Dating in the Pandemic

Turning desperation to genuine interest

1 min readJul 4, 2021
Photo by youssef naddam on Unsplash

I tried dating or romantically getting to know people during this pandemic, because I did feel lonely as a single 23 year old. However, what I realized is that it’s much lonelier to get to know someone when you are desperate. You just morph yourself into someone you think the other person would like, instead of being yourself.

When you are feeling desperate, ask yourself why and try to address that on your own. A relationship won’t fix your insecurities, it will amplify them especially at the beginning of the relationship. This is because you want to impress the person that you like. To do so, you become self-aware of your flaws and would tend to hide them until you get to a point in the relationship that it’s fine to show them bit by bit.

You don’t have to be a 100% when getting to know someone new. But, knowing what your needs and objectives are lets you set boundaries for yourself and know what you want out of the relationship.




Samut-Sari is a collection of random thoughts and insights of the writer which people might relate to but haven’t thought of yet.