It’s okay…

(Providing comfort to one’s doubts)

2 min readJul 25, 2021
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

It’s okay to be single, even if you are already in your late 20s. (Love has no deadline or age limit.)

It’s okay to not have been in a relationship since birth. (Your priorities might just be focused elsewhere and don’t have the time to date yet.)

It’s okay to break-up with someone you no longer see yourself with in the future, even if you have been with them for years. (Cheating doesn’t only happen when you are unfaithful in a relationship. Cheating can also be in a form of betraying yourself by not being upfront and honest with your true feelings — and that feels even worse that being cheated on.)

It’s okay to want someone by your side, especially on those cold rainy nights. (Body heat is an alternative to keep warm, in case you didn’t have a blanket. Hypothermia is real!)

It’s okay to spend some alone time and binge-watch a Netflix/K-Drama/Anime series that you’ve always wanted to watch. (Any great show would be garbage if you are watching it with someone who yaps about the things happening, instead of just watching the show.)

It’s okay to take a break and do nothing for a day. (Even God rested on the seventh day when He created the universe. If you are looking for a sign to take a break, then this is one!)

It’s okay to have a bad output when you are trying out a new hobby. (Not everyone is a genius and immediately good at something on the first try. Improvement takes time, persistence, and effort.)

It’s okay to not be happy right now. (Happiness isn’t something you look for. It just comes when you keep on doing the things that you like and be surrounded by the people you cherish the most.)




Samut-Sari is a collection of random thoughts and insights of the writer which people might relate to but haven’t thought of yet.